A Pink Coral Chip Bracelet or Red Coral Chip Bracelet - Which one is better

Coral is famously recognized as the only organic one among all the gems in the market. It has a separate fan base of its own and is the most sought-after gemstone since the sixteen century. Derived from the branches of an underwater polyp, the coral comes in a variety of colors- from a deep red to a beautiful pink- depending on the polyp they are being mined from. But people get confused about whether to buy a red coral chip or a pink coral chip bracelet . Here are some factors to help you make an easy decision. How to decide Take the following factors into consideration 1) Where are they mined from Red coral is fished out from the Mediterranean sea and is famously called the Italian coral, whereas Pink coral is found extensively in Japan and parts of Korea. Red corals are fished out from sea beds as deep as 60- 200meters, but pink corals are fished out from even deeper sea beds up to 400 meters. 2) What causes the ...