How are Sterling Silver Jewelries better than Titanium Silver?
When it comes to earrings, most women get confused between sterling silver earrings and titanium silver earrings. If you are one of them, here are some essential knowledge supplements to help you make an easy decision.
Which one is better: Sterling Silver or Titanium Silver?
Before we start with our main subject, let's have a look at the two different grades of silver.
Starting with sterling silver, it is an alloy composed of 92.5 percent silver, and the remaining often consists of compatible materials. As pure silver is too soft for making jewelry, silver is often compiled with other metals to make them strong enough for ornamental designs. One of the most commonly used metals is copper. However, other compositions are also quite popular in this jewelry, such as sterling silver earrings.
Next, as the name suggests, titanium silver is also an alloy consisting of typically large amounts of both silver and titanium. Known for its high durability, it helps create long-lasting and mesmerizing ornaments when mixed with silver and other elements. Similarly, various other industries, including dentistry, electrical, etc., also use products made out of titanium-silver for the same reason.
Now, going on to the next part, let's compare their real-life uses and learn how their drawbacks affect their usability in the jewel industry.
Starting the game with a 1-0, sterling silver manages to get the first point. Given that both the metals are of high density, i.e., copper and silver or zinc and silver, sterling silver ornaments often have a higher weight than titanium silver ones. This is because, while silver is denser, titanium is half its weight, therefore reducing the total weight of the jewelry in the final design.
Thus, if you are looking for a thick, long bracelet or an intricately designed anklet, you know where to look for.
Next, taking the game to a tie, titanium silver emerges victorious in this aspect. Known for being one of the hardest metals ever to be found in nature, coupling titanium with soft silver allows jewelers to craft really durable and hard-to-break ornaments. It is not easy to break a titanium ring or bracelet. However, they surely lose some points when it comes to flexibility.
Unlike silver, curating a proper design with titanium is never easy. The hardness poses a risk when trying to mold the metal into jewelry. Therefore, the composition needs to match each other's percentage well for the titanium silver to be used for crafting ornaments.
Resale value
One thing that titanium silver bijouterie can never surpass against their competition is their resale value. Unlike ornaments made of titanium silver alloy, sterling silver earrings or other jewelry often have higher resale value. This is mostly because of the higher silver content, along with the greater flexibility offered by copper. You can get at least 85 percent off of the old jewelry, minus the making charges when trying to sell them at a trusted seller.
This feature also allows the ornament to be fixed easily whenever needed without the user having to worry about their breakage or loss in value constantly.
Unique designs
Need trendy pieces of jewelry that too within affordable prices? Then sterling silver is your best choice. Thanks to their easy maneuverability, interested enthusiasts can shop from alluring variable designs without sticking to just one kind of jewelry. Simultaneously, sterling silver jewelry is often bright and has a shiny luster, making it a precious gift for the next generations.
Thanks to their low cost compared to gold and platinum jewelry, users can also pay for the next trendy design and add them to their closet collection.
Although the rising popularity of silver ornaments has led jewelers to try out newer combinations with different materials, there is no match for sterling silver ones. They are beautifully shiny, have a great finish, and can make you look absolutely amazing in any attire without cashing out tremendously.
However, for their long-lasting, it is highly advised to use them carefully and ensure regular cleaning, as even the tiniest dust specks may destroy their luster. So, you have to be very careful while handling sterling silver earrings or any such native American jewelry.
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